flowers name in malayalam

Magnificent Flowers Name in Malayalam

Are you looking for a guide that tells flowers name in Malayalam? Flowers have been a symbol of beauty, love, and nature for centuries. In Kerala, the southern state of India, flowers play a significant role in various cultural and traditional practices.

To help you identify and learn about the diverse range of flowers found in Kerala, we have compiled a comprehensive list of 100 flowers name in Malayalam and English, along with their stunning images.

Whether you’re looking for a red colour flowers name in Malayalam, such as the beautiful ‘Chembarathi’ (Hibiscus), or want to explore the various types of flowers found in India, our list has got you covered.

Let’s dive into the world of flowers and explore the beauty of nature together.

Flowers Name in Malayalam

Malayalam is a beautiful language spoken by people in Kerala, India. It’s a special language that has its own unique way of writing and speaking. We want to help you learn about flowers in Malayalam! That’s why we have made a list of 100 flowers name in Malayalam and English. Now, you can easily learn the names of different flowers in both languages.

If you want to explore other languages, like Urdu, Sanskrit, Kashmiri, or Tamil, read our previous blogs.

10 Flowers Name in Malayalam with Pictures

Learn the Malayalam names of these gorgeous blooms and explore their unique characteristics. With pictures to help you identify each flower, this is the perfect resource for nature lovers and language learners alike.

Sr No.Flower PicturesEnglishMalayalam
1flowers name in malayalam with pictures
2flowers name in malayalam with pictures
3flowers name in malayalam with pictures
Aloe Vera Flowerകറ്റാർ വാഴ പുഷ്പം
4flowers name in malayalam with pictures
Chrysanthemum Flowerക്രിസന്തമം ഫ്ലവർ
5flowers name in malayalam with pictures
Blue Star Flowerനീല നക്ഷത്ര പുഷ്പം
6flowers name in malayalam with pictures
Cobra Saffronകോബ്ര കുങ്കുമപ്പൂവ്
7flowers name in malayalam with pictures
8flowers name in malayalam with pictures
9flowers name in malayalam with pictures
Blue Fountain Bushനീല ജലധാര ബുഷ്
10flowers name in malayalam with pictures
Bluebell Flowerബ്ലൂബെൽ ഫ്ലവർ

50 Flowers Name in Malayalam

To learn any language, such as Malayalam, it’s essential to use its vocabulary in daily life. When you repeat these words in conversation, it will naturally help the brain to memorize them. Here is the list of 50 flowers name in Malayalam with pictures.  

Sr No.Flowers PicturesEnglishMalayalam
1flowers name in malayalam with pictures
Ashok Flowerഅശോക് ഫ്ലവർ name in malayalam with pictures
Golden Frangipaniഗോൾഡൻ ഫ്രാങ്കിപാനി
3.100 flowers name in malayalam
Acacia അക്കേഷ്യ
4.100 flowers name in malayalam
5.100 flowers name in malayalam
6100 flowers name in malayalam
7100 flowers name in malayalam
8.100 flowers name in malayalam
Butea Monospermaബ്യൂട്ടിയ മോണോസ്പെർമ
9.100 flowers name in malayalam
Creeper Flowersവള്ളിച്ചെടി പൂക്കൾ name in malayalam language
Glory Lilyഗ്ലോറി ലില്ലി
11flowers name in malayalam language
Poppy Flowerപോപ്പി ഫ്ലവർ
12flowers name in malayalam language
Grand Crinum Lilyഗ്രാൻഡ് ക്രിനം ലില്ലി
13flowers name in malayalam language
Prickly Pearപ്രിക്ലി പിയർ
14flowers name in malayalam language
15flowers name in malayalam language
Stramoniumസ്ട്രാമോണിയം name in malayalam language
Hollyhockഹോളിഹോക്ക് name in malayalam language
Dahliaഡാലിയ name in malayalam language
Lady’s Slipper Orchidലേഡീസ് സ്ലിപ്പർ ഓർക്കിഡ് name in malayalam language
Foxtail Orchidഫോക്സ്ടെയിൽ ഓർക്കിഡ് name in malayalam language
Purple Passionപർപ്പിൾ പാഷൻ
21.100 flowers name in malayalam and englishIndian Tulipഇന്ത്യൻ തുലിപ്
22.100 flowers name in malayalam and englishZombi Peaസോംബി പീസ്
23100 flowers name in malayalam and englishBlood Lilyബ്ലഡ് ലില്ലി
24100 flowers name in malayalam and englishNarcissusനാർസിസസ്
25100 flowers name in malayalam and englishPandanusപാണ്ഡാനസ്
26100 flowers name in malayalam and englishSweet Violetമധുരമുള്ള വയലറ്റ്
27.100 flowers name in malayalam and englishOrchidഓർക്കിഡ്
28.100 flowers name in malayalam and englishPeruvian lilyപെറുവിയൻ ലില്ലി
29.100 flowers name in malayalam and englishAfrican Daisyആഫ്രിക്കൻ ഡെയ്സി
30.100 flowers name in malayalam and englishCrocusക്രോക്കസ്
31100 flowers name in malayalam and englishBauhiniaബൗഹിനിയ
32100 flowers name in malayalam and englishAsterആസ്റ്റർ
33100 flowers name in malayalam and englishIndian mallowഇന്ത്യൻ മാളോ
34100 flowers name in malayalam and englishPapaya Flowerപപ്പായ പൂവ്
35100 flowers name in malayalam and englishCypress Vineസൈപ്രസ് വൈൻ
36100 flowers name in malayalam and englishCockscomb Flowerകോക്ക്സ്കോമ്പ് പുഷ്പം
37100 flowers name in malayalam and englishMimosa flowerമിമോസ പുഷ്പം
38100 flowers name in malayalam and englishStar Gloryസ്റ്റാർ ഗ്ലോറി
40100 flowers name in malayalam and englishTanner’s Cassiaടാനറുടെ കാസിയ
41100 flowers name in malayalam and englishBougainvilleaബോഗൺവില്ല
42flowers name in malayalam
Glory Lilyഗ്ലോറി ലില്ലി
43flowers name in malayalam
Brahma Kamalബ്രഹ്മ കമൽ
44flowers name in malayalam
Blue Fountain Bushനീല ജലധാര ബുഷ്
45flowers name in malayalam
Siroi Lilyസിറോയ് ലില്ലി
46flowers name in malayalam
Ranunculus Flowerറൺകുലസ് പുഷ്പം
47flowers name in malayalam
Hypericum flowerഹൈപ്പറിക്കം പുഷ്പം
48flowers name in malayalam
Columbine Flowerകൊളംബിൻ പുഷ്പം
49flowers name in malayalam
Mirabilis Jalapaമിറാബിലിസ് ജലപ
50flowers name in malayalam
Queen Crape Myrtleരാജ്ഞി ക്രേപ്പ് മർട്ടിൽ


We all know that flowers are a vital part of our lives. They bring joy, beauty, and aroma to our world. You can learn the names of flowers in different languages, including Malayalam and English, with pictures with the help of our guide.  It will help you appreciate their unique characteristics and cultural significance. 

We hope that our collection of flowers names has been informative, helpful, and inspiring and that it will continue to be a valuable resource for all those who love flowers. 


Three white colour flowers name in Malayalam are Poovalla (Hibiscus), Mullappoo (Jasmine), and Vellakallu (White Lily).

Yes, two blue colour flowers name in Malayalam are Neelambari (Blue Lotus) and Kurinji (Blue Kurinji).

The Malayalam name for rose flower is Roja (ഉയർന്നു).

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