flowers name in marathi

80+ Interesting Flowers Name In Marathi with Pictures

Are you searching for a comprehensive guide that lists flower names in both Marathi and English? Whether it’s a school project or personal interest, don’t worry! We’ve got you covered if you are looking for a 50 Flowers name in Marathi or a 100 Flowers name in English and Marathi. In this comprehensive post on flower names in Marathi post, we’ll provide a complete and interesting list of flowers meaning in Marathi, along with their English translations and pictures.

Marathi is Maharashtra’s official language and boasts a rich history dating back to the 10th century. It is also understood and spoken in Goa. More than 99 million people claimed Marathi as their mother language in India, it’s among the world’s top 15 most-spoken languages.

In Maharashtra, flowers hold cultural significance. The jasmine flower in Marathi (Jui) is a favorite. Other white flowers names in Marathi, such as Kevada (screw pine) and Gulab (rose), are also popular.

The vine meaning in Marathi (Vel), symbolizes love and connection. Similarly, fragrant flowers like jasmine embody the Marathi word fragrant meaning in Marathi (Sugandh) ,which  means fragrant or aromatic.

10 flowers name in marathi

Welcome to the vibrant world of Marathi flowers, where every bloom tells a story. फूल (Phūla), the Marathi word for flower, unlocks a realm of cultural significance. Discover  Marathi flower names in English (Fulani nave Marathi).

The fragrant Rangoon Creeper is often used in weddings and festivities, while the majestic Cypress Vine adorns ornamental displays. Each flower has a unique significance: Jui (Jasmine), Gulab (Rose), and more. Embark on this journey, where language and culture intertwine, and Marathi flowers come alive.

10 Flowers Name in Marathi

Here is the complete list of ten flowers name in Marathi and English with their pictures to enhance your understanding of flower meaning in Marathi. 

Sr No.Flowers PicturesEnglish Marathi
1.10 Flowers Name in MarathiHibiscusहिबिस्कस
2.10 Flowers Name in MarathiButea Monospermaबुटीया मोनोस्पर्मा
3.10 Flowers Name in MarathiCreeper Flowersलताची फुले
4.10 Flowers Name in MarathiGlory Lilyग्लोरी लिली
5.10 flowers name in marathiAshok Flowerअशोक फूल
6.10 flowers name in marathiGolden Frangipaniसोनेरी फ्रँगीपाणी
7.10 flowers name in marathiAcacia बाभूळ
8.10 flowers name in marathiPrimroseप्रिमरोज
9.10 flowers name in marathiShameplantशेमप्लंट
10. 10 flowers name in marathiStramoniumस्ट्रॉमोनियम

20 Flowers Name in Marathi

Marathi is the third most spoken language in India, after Hindin and Bengali, having diverse history and culture; here we are talking about the names of the flowers in Marathi, 

Sr No.Flowers Pictures EnglishMarathi
1.20 flowers name in marathiBlood Lilyरक्त लिली
2.20 flowers name in marathiNarcissusनार्सिसस
3.20 flowers name in marathiPandanusपांडनस
4.20 flowers name in marathiSweet Violetगोड व्हायलेट
5.20 flowers name in marathiPoppy Flowerखसखस फ्लॉवर
6.20 flowers name in marathiGrand Crinum Lilyग्रँड क्रिनम लिली
7.20 flowers name in marathiPrickly Pearकाटेरी नाशपाती
8.20 flowers name in marathiCreeperलता
9.20 flowers name in marathiStramoniumस्ट्रॉमोनियम
10.20 flowers name in marathiHollyhockहोलीहॉक
11.20 flowers name in marathiDahliaडाहलिया
12.20 flowers name in marathiLady’s Slipper Orchidलेडीज स्लिपर ऑर्किड
13.20 flowers name in marathiFoxtail Orchidफॉक्सटेल ऑर्किड
14.20 flowers name in marathiPurple Passionजांभळा आवड
15.20 flowers name in marathiIndian Tulipभारतीय ट्यूलिप
16.20 flowers name in marathiZombi Peaझोंबी वाटाणा
17.20 flowers name in marathiMillingtonia Hortensisमिलिंगटोनिया हॉर्टेन्सिस
18.20 flowers name in marathiOrchidऑर्किड
19.20 flowers name in marathiPeruvian lilyपेरुव्हियन लिली
20.20 flowers name in marathiAfrican Daisyआफ्रिकन डेझी

40 Flowers Name in English and Marathi

We bought you a list of 40 flowers name in Marathi and English language, along with their beautiful and vibrant pictures.

Sr No.Flowers PicturesEnglishMarathi
1.40 Flowers name in English and MarathiBleeding Heartरक्तस्त्राव हृदय
2.40 Flowers name in English and MarathiSnowDrop / Moon Flowerस्नोड्रॉप
3.40 Flowers name in English and MarathiApricot Flowerजर्दाळू फ्लॉवर
4.40 Flowers name in English and MarathiApple Flowerसफरचंद फ्लॉवर
5.40 Flowers name in English and MarathiBauhiniaबौहिनिया
6.40 Flowers name in English and MarathiAsterॲस्टर
7.40 Flowers name in English and MarathiIndian mallowभारतीय मालो
8.40 Flowers name in English and MarathiPapaya Flowerपपईचे फूल
9.40 Flowers name in English and MarathiCypress Vineसायप्रस वेल
10.40 Flowers name in English and MarathiCockscomb Flowerकॉक्सकॉम्ब फ्लॉवर
11.40 Flowers name in English and MarathiCommon Lantanaसामान्य लँटाना
12.40 Flowers name in English and MarathiIndigo Flowerइंडिगो फ्लॉवर
13.40 Flowers name in English and MarathiEpimediumएपिमिडियम
14.40 Flowers name in English and MarathiMurrayaमुर्रया
15.40 Flowers name in English and MarathiPrimula flowerप्रिम्युला फूल
16.40 Flowers name in English and MarathiLilacलिलाक
17.40 Flowers name in English and MarathiVeronica flowerवेरोनिका फूल
18.40 Flowers name in English and MarathiHyacinthहायसिंथ
19.40 Flowers name in English and MarathiIpomoea flowerइपोमोआ फूल
20.40 Flowers name in English and MarathiMimosa flowerमिमोसाचे फूल
21.40 Flowers name in English and MarathiStar Gloryस्टार ग्लोरी
22.40 Flowers name in English and MarathiTanner’s Cassiaटॅनर कॅसिया
23.40 Flowers name in English and MarathiBougainvilleaबोगनविले
24.40 Flowers name in English and MarathiGlory Lilyग्लोरी लिली
25.40 Flowers name in English and MarathiBrahma Kamalब्रह्मा कमल
26.40 Flowers name in English and MarathiBlue Fountain Bushब्लू फाउंटन बुश
27.40 Flowers name in English and MarathiBurmann’s Sundewबर्मनचा संदेव
28.40 Flowers name in English and MarathiIxora Coccineaपेंडगूळ 
29.40 Flowers name in English and MarathiMountain Laurelमाउंटन लॉरेल
30.40 Flowers name in English and MarathiMexican uberoseमेक्सिकन
31.40 Flowers name in English and MarathiSiroi Lilyसिरोई लिली
32.40 Flowers name in English and MarathiRanunculus Flowerरॅननक्युलस फ्लॉवर
33.40 Flowers name in English and MarathiHypericum flowerहायपरिकम फ्लॉवर
34.40 Flowers name in English and MarathiColumbine Flowerकोलंबीन फ्लॉवर
35.40 Flowers name in English and MarathiMirabilis Jalapaमिराबिलिस जलापा
36.40 Flowers name in English and MarathiQueen Crape Myrtleराणी क्रेप मर्टल
37.40 Flowers name in English and MarathiBlue Morning Gloryब्लू मॉर्निंग ग्लोरी
38.40 Flowers name in English and MarathiRohiraरोहिरा
39.40 Flowers name in English and MarathiShowy Rattlepodदिखाऊ रॅटलपॉड
40.40 Flowers name in English and MarathiMexican Prickly Poppyमेक्सिकन काटेरी खसखस


Now, it’s your turn to explore the secrets of India’s vibrant flora with our comprehensive guide to flowers name in Marathi and English. Explore the captivating world of flowers, from the delicate Chafa flower in English  (चाफा) to the majestic Chrysanthemum in Marathi (दंती).

Discover the fragrant meaning in Marathi (सुगंध) of flowers like Jasmine and Rose, and learn how they contribute to India’s rich biodiversity. Many of these flowers, such as the Indian Shot and Lotus, hold significance in traditional medicine and cuisine.

Whether you’re a nature lover or simply eager to learn, our guide provides a unique opportunity to connect with India’s natural beauty. Save the PDF or memorize the table to impress friends and colleagues. Also, read our informative articles about flower names in Punjabi, Arabic, and Gujrati.

Frequently Asked Questions

The meaning of flower in Marathi is “फूल”.

सुगंधित is the fragrant meaning of Marathi.

Chrysanthemum in Marathi Is क्रायसॅन्थेमम.

It is मोगरा.

The vine meaning in Marathi is द्राक्षांचा वेल.

I will say गुलाब.

The common flowers in Marathi include चंपा  (for Champa), गुलाब ( for rose), and चमेली (for jasmine).

The marigold flower in Marathi is called झेंडू.

The hibiscus’s Marathi name is जास्वंद.

We can say  कमळ  for Lotus in Marathi.

The Marathi language word for Sunflower is  सूर्यफूल.

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