Flower Names Starting With B

15+ Beautiful Flowers That Start With B: A Blooming Guide

If you want to enhance the aesthetic appeal of your garden or just want to know more about species of flowers, this blog is a perfect match for your interests. Every flower has its symbolic meaning and cultural value. Every species has its own growing conditions; some prefer full sunlight to partial drainage, while few prefer partial sunrays and heavy water. 

Apart from their specialties and growing conditions, we also provide their unique pictures to better memorize them. 

We have already explored beautiful flowers, starting with the letter A. No,w we are going to discuss flowers beginning with the letter ‘B’. Let’s explore the appealing world of blooms!

Bauhinia blakeana: Hong Kong Orchid tree

Bauhinia blakeana flower

Bauhinia blakeana, also known as the Hong Kong Orchid Tree, belongs to the Fabaceae family (legume family). It is a magnificent blooming tree renowned for its big, vivid, and fragrant blossoms. This family also includes Beans, lentils, peas, and soybeans.

The Hong Kong in the name indicates that this tree is native to Hong Kong. It is culturally significant as Hong Kong’s floral symbol. It usually grows to a height of 20 to 40 feet, with a broad, spreading canopy of lush, heart-shaped leaves that are distinctive for their two-lobed, butterfly-like form. 

Bauhinia blakeana, unlike other species, is sterile, which means it produces no seeds. It is reproduced by cuttings or grafting, which ensures that the tree’s distinctive traits are reliably handed down. This sterility also prevents it from becoming invasive, making it an environmentally responsible choice for cultivation outside its natural area

Feature Detail 
Botanical nameBauhinia 
No. of species 500
Symbol Beauty , resilience 
Blooming time Winter to early spring
Origin/Location/Native toTropical and subtropical regions of Asia, Africa, and the Americas

Blazing Star: Flowers That Start With B

Blazing Star Flower

Blazing Star belongs to the Liatris genus and Asteraceae family. Its name comes from the Greek word Liaino, which means smooth. It is a beautiful perennial plant noted for its eye-catching flower spikes that lend drama and elegance to landscapes and floral arrangements. 

Flowers are present in purple, pink, and white colors. It has a beautiful fragrance, hence attracts pollinators. They thrive in full sun and well-drained soil. Some species of Blazing Star also have healing properties that treat various ailments.

Feature Detail 
Botanical nameLiatris spp.
No. of species About 45
Symbol Confidence, strength
Blooming time Summer to Early Fall
Origin/Location/Native toNorth America

Blueweed: The Vibrant Wildflower

Blueweed flower

Blueweed, also known as viper’s bugle,s is a stunning wildflower recognized for its vibrant blue spikes of blossoms and ability to bring a splash of colour to gardens and natural settings. It belongs to the Asteraceae family and is native to Europe and parts of Asia.

This genus includes other flowers, such as daisies, asters, and dandelions. It attracts many pollinators, including bees and butterflies, making it an ideal choice for increasing biodiversity in gardens and meadows.

Feature Detail 
Botanical nameEchium vulgare
No. of species Approximately 30 species
Symbol Resilience, Determination
Blooming time Summer to Early Fall
Origin/Location/Native toEurope and parts of Asia

Baby Blue Eye: Flowers That Start With B

Baby Blue Eye Flower

Baby Blue Eyes, scientifically known as Nemophila menziesii,  belongs to the Boraginaceae family. It is a lovely annual flower valued for its delicate, sky-blue cup-shaped blooms and ability to add a gentle, airy touch to gardens and floral arrangements. 

Its name comes from the simple English language because of its soft blue petals that reflect the innocence of a child.

Baby Blue Eyes are frequently used to communicate soothing thoughts and create relaxing, quiet environments in gardens. It thrives in cold, well-drained soil with partial to full light, making it an excellent choice for a variety of garden settings.

Feature Detail 
Botanical nameNemophila spps. 
No. of species 11
Symbol Innocence, Tranquility 
Blooming time Late winters to Early Summer
Origin/Location/Native toWestern North America

Bignonia: The Vibrant Climber

Bignonia flower: The Vibrant Climber

Bignonia is a genus of flowering plants belonging to the Bignoniaceae family. It is notable for its vivid, trumpet-shaped flowers and robust climbing habits, hence the name.

The genus includes several other species like crossvine (Bignonia capreolata), Trumpet Creeper (Bignonia radicans), and jacarandas (Jacaranda). The blooms are usually grouped in clusters and are very appealing to hummingbirds and butterflies.

Bignonia plants are widely utilized as decorative vines to cover trellises, arbors, and fences. It grows best in full sun to light shade and prefers well-drained soil. Regular trimming can assist in limiting its growth and provide a more controlled, appealing show.

Feature Detail 
Botanical nameBignonia spp.
No. of species More than 800
Symbol Vibrancy, Resilience
Blooming time Late winter to early spring
Origin/Location/Native toTropical and subtropical Americas

Bellflowers: Flower That Start With B

Bellflowers flower

Bellflowers, or Campanula spp. belongs to the Ampanulaceae family. The flower acquired its name for its unique, bell-shaped blooms. This genus comprises several distinct species and variants, each with its flower form, colour, and growing behaviour.

This genus has various flower colors, including rich blues and purples, gentle pinks, and white. The bell-shaped flowers can be solitary or double, adding to their ornamental value. They are admired for their long-lasting flowers along with their ability to attract pollinators like bees and butterflies.

Bellflowers grow on well-drained soil with full sun to light shade. They are pretty simple to cultivate and care for, making them an excellent choice for borders, rock gardens, and container gardening.

Feature Detail 
Botanical nameCampanula spp. 
No. of species 448
Symbol Gratitude, Affection 
Blooming time Late Spring to Early Fall
Origin/Location/Native toNorthern Hemisphere, including Europe, Asia, and North America

Balloon Flower

Balloon Flower

The plant’s name comes from the way its flower buds expand like balloons before opening. As the buds mature, they open to display huge, bell-shaped blooms in colors of blue, pink, and white. It belongs to the Campanulaceae family, which also includes campanula (bellflower) and harebell. It is also called the Chinese bellflower.

It stands out in gardens with its distinctive, balloon-like petals that resemble puffs before opening into star-shaped blooms. Flowers may reach up to 18-24 inches tall and have a bushy, compact growth habit, making them great for borders and pots. They grow in well-drained soil, full sun to light shade, and require low maintenance.

It is native to East Asia, especially China, Japan, and Korea. The size of balloon flowers varies according to growing conditions, species, and climate. Blue and purple are the most common colors. However, the color may vary in hybrid varieties.

Feature Detail 
Botanical namePlatycodon grandiflorus
No. of species 60
Symbol Patience, Persistence
Popular ColorsBlue, Pink, White
Origin/Location/Native toEast Asia 

Bird of Paradise: Flowers That Start With B

Bird of Paradise flower

Bird of Paradise, the national flower of Africa, is a stunning tropical plant recognised for its dramatic, bird-like blooms and gorgeous leaves. It belongs to the Strelitziaceae family. This plant is a symbol of exotic beauty and elegance, and it is frequently used to create a striking statement in garden settings and floral arrangements alike.

The flowers are famous for their brilliant colors, like bright orange and blue,  and their distinctive form, which resembles the head of a tropical bird.  It thrives in warm areas and may be cultivated inside or outdoors under ideal conditions.

Feature Detail 
Botanical nameStrelitzia 
No. of species About 5
Symbol Freedom, Paradise, Joy
Blooming time Late Winter to Early Summer
Native toSouth Africa

Baby’s Breath: The Delicate Filler

Baby’s Breath Flower

Baby’s Breath, scientifically known as Gypsophila paniculata, belongs to the Caryophyllaceae family.  It is a beautiful flower known for its airy, cloud-like appearance and gentle beauty like a baby. Baby’s Breath gives a soft, ethereal touch to bouquets and decorations.

It is often associated with romantic occasions and celebrations. Hence, it is used in bridal bouquets and other flower arrangements as a decorative accent. 

They prefer full sunlight and well-drained soil. It is a low-maintenance plant that grows well in a variety of garden situations. Regular deadheading can help lengthen its blooming season and keep it looking fresh.

Feature Detail 
Botanical nameGypsophila 
No. of species About 150
Symbol Purity, Everlasting Love
Popular ColorsWhite, Pink
Native toEurasia

Bachelor’s Button

Bachelor’s Button flower

Bachelor’s Button is a lovely, easy-to-grow annual flower, also known as cornflower. The button in the name refers to the button-like physical appearance. It is included in the Asteraceae family, which also has other flowers, such as sunflowers, asters, and dandelions. 

The plant produces a large number of mini, daisy-like blooms with a peculiar, fringed look. The flowers come in a range of colours, including traditional blue, pink, white, and purple. These flowers have the ability to attract bees and butterflies for pollination. 

Bachelor’s Button prefers well-drained soil and full sun with a little bit of shade. It is suitable for a wide range of gardens as it requires little maintenance. Most bachelor buttons are from European countries, but some are also found in other countries.

Feature Detail 
Botanical nameCentaurea spp.
No. of species Several species, including Centaurea cyanus
Symbol Simplicity, Hope, Purity
Origin/Location/Native toEurope

Bleeding Heart: Flowers That Start With B

Bleeding Heart Flower

Bleeding Heart is a fascinating perennial flower recognised for its distinctive, heart-shaped flowers that appear to “bleed” a delicate drop from their centre. 

It belongs to the Papaveraceae family, which also includes poppies, bloodroot, and celandine.  They are ideal for bringing a sense of nostalgia and elegance to shaded gardens.

Bleeding Hearts grow in well-drained, healthy soil with partial to complete shade. After plantation, they require little maintenance, like cool and wet conditions.  Regular watering and mulching assist in keeping the plant healthy and vigorous.

Feature Detail 
Botanical nameLamprocapnos spectabilis
No. of species Approximately 20
Symbol Love, Compassion, Emotional healing
Blooming time Spring to Early Summer
Origin/Location/Native toAsia (Siberia, Northern China, Korea, Japan)

Black-Eyed Susan

Black-Eyed Susan Flower

Black-Eyed Susan is a vibrant and persistent perennial flower that adds colour to gardens with its striking, daisy-like blossoms. The name refers to the center of the flower, which represents the human eye. 

It belongs to the Asteraceae family, sometimes known as the aster, daisy, or sunflower family. Black-Eyed Susans have a bushy, upright growth with robust, hairy stems and yellow or bright orange petals. 

They grow well in full sun and tolerate a variety of soil types, including poor, dry soils. They are low-maintenance and drought-resistant, making them suitable for both beginners and expert gardeners.

Feature Detail 
Botanical nameRudbeckia 
No. of species About 25 wild species 
Symbol Encouragement, Justice, Motivation
Blooming time Summer to Early Fall
Origin/Location/Native toNorth America

Blue Daisy Bush

Blue Daisy Bush Flower

Blue Daisy Bush is a charming evergreen shrub. The name shows the vibrant blue,daisy-like flowers and the bushy nature of growth. That’s why it is frequently used to lend a burst of blue to landscapes, complimenting other vibrant garden plants.

It is in the Asteraceae family, which also includes other common plants such as sunflowers, daisies, asters, and marigolds. Blue Daisy Bush may grow up to 2 feet tall and broad, making it an excellent choice for borders, rock gardens, and pots.

It grows best in full light and well-drained soil. It is relatively drought-tolerant once grown, making it ideal for coastal and arid garden environments.

Feature Detail 
Botanical nameFelicia amelloides
No. of species 80 species in the Felicia genus 
Symbol Peace, Serenity
Blooming timeSpring to Summer, with intermittent blooms year-round in mild climates
Origin/ Location South Africa

Blue Lace Flower: Flowers That Start With B

Blue Lace Flower

Blue in the name shows its blue color, while lace describes its physical appearance. Blue Lace is a delicate and airy annual bloom that adds a gentle, ethereal feel to gardens and floral arrangements.

It belongs to the Apiaceae family, also known as the carrot or parsley family.  The Blue Lace Flower is about 1 to 3 feet tall, has slender stems, and is finely split. Its fern-like leaves provide a lacy texture to garden beds and bouquets.

It prefers full light and well-drained soil. It needs moderate watering and is generally low-maintenance, making it a good choice for gardeners who want to add a touch of elegance without putting in too much work.

Feature Detail 
Botanical nameTrachymene coerulea
No. of species Over 87
Symbol Delicacy, Calm, Elegance
Blooming timeLate Spring to Early Fall
Origin/ Location Australia

Butterfly Bush: The Pollinator’s Paradise

Butterfly Bush Flower

The name Butterfly bush relates to the feature of the flower that allures the other butterflies, and the bush in the name indicates to develop like a bush. It is a fast-growing shrub famed for its fragrant, spiky clusters of tiny, tubular blooms.

The genus Buddleja is now part of the family Scrophulariaceae after formerly being categorized under Buddlejaceae or Loganiaceae. The Butterfly Bush normally grows to be 6 to 12 feet tall and broad, with arching branches covered with lance-shaped gray-green leaves. 

These tall, conical flower clusters not only add visual appeal but also exude a delicious, honey-like scent that further entices pollinators. However, in some areas, the Butterfly Bush is deemed invasive, therefore, gardeners should verify local rules and seek sterile or non-invasive cultivars.

Feature Detail 
Botanical nameBuddleja 
No. of species Over 140 species
Symbol Rebirth, Transformation
Blooming timeMidsummer to Early Fall
Origin/ Location China

Buckbean Flower

Buckbean Flower

Buckbean is an eye-catching aquatic perennial plant.  It thrives in wetland habitats, including bogs, marshes, and pond borders. It belongs to the family Menyantheceae, which includes the single species Menyanthes trifoliata.  

Buckbean, with its appealing three-part leaves and striking star-shaped blooms. These blooms are surrounded by glossy, dark green trifoliate leaves that resemble those of a bean plant, thus the name.

The flowers not only offer visual appeal, but they also attract pollinators such as bees and butterflies.

Feature Detail 
Botanical nameMenyanthes 
No. of species One species (Menyanthes genus)
Symbol Purity, Healing
Blooming timeLate Spring to Early Summer
Origin/ Location North America, Europe, Asia

Conclusion of Flowers That Start With B

Each flower is valued for its own unique beauty and charm, which makes it a perfect addition to any garden, ceremony, or floral arrangement. The explanation of these blooms will be beneficial for every person who is looking to know about the charming beauty of the flowers, including gardening lovers or anthophiles.

You can explore these flowers’ vibrant colors, shapes, and fascinating features.  Also read our informative articles on flowers starting with A and C.

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